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Longterm commitments

Urban renewal


In 2021, EPF Ile-de-France signed for 1 billion of investment with local authorities (22 901 housing units; 457 287 m²)

Total investment backlog: 6 831 M€


“Foncière Commune” is EPF Île-de-France’s long-term strategic real estate asset holding entity, designed especially for areas surrounding the stations of the Grand Paris Express (Saint Denis Pleyel). It has 10 million euros of capital which is majority-held by EPF Île-de-France in conjunction with local authorities via its SEM Plaine Commune Développement scheme. “Foncière Commune” serves as a real estate holding and operating company for periods of at least ten years. Rental income during this period covers repayment of loans and financing charges, development costs and any required expenses related to evictions. The terms of this long term holding arrangement work to mitigate spikes in property values at the time of resale. Other holding/financing vehicles are currently being studied to support our longterm commitments.